Summer Plumbing Tips to Save You Time and Money

Summer Plumbing Tips to Save You Time and Money

The kids are out of school, and the weather is warm. You might be planning more parties and gatherings, which also means an increase in traffic in your home — and more flushes of the toilet, more clothes to wash, and more dishes to clean. You probably use your garden hose more in the summer as well for washing cars, filling pools, watering flowers, and caring for the lawn.

You rely on your plumbing, and preventing most common plumbing problems is simpler than waiting until they become a problem. If you do find that you have more difficult plumbing issues, that is when you may need to call a professional.

Leak Detection

Summer is the best time to check for leaks. You should annually inspect your plumbing both inside and outside your home. Check all of the faucets as well as the pipes under the sinks. Check the showerheads and bath and any water softener connections.

Don’t forget to check the water heater, too. You can run your hand all around its base to see if you feel water. Hard water can cause mineral deposits, so clean off any accumulation.

Also, be sure to inspect the outdoor faucets, irrigation lines, and your pool and/or spa if you have one. Check for rust, corrosion, leaks, and broken parts.

Check Your Water Pressure

With the extra activity that your shower, washer, and other utilities will see during summer, it’s important to maintain good water pressure. You can check and measure the household water pressure with a store-bought gauge that you attach to an outside spigot. Generally, the household standard is 40-45 pounds per square inch (psi) and should not exceed 60 psi.

Between your home and the main water line is a pressure regulator to keep the high-pressure water supply from bursting into your home. A typical regulator is preset for 50 psi. You or a professional plumber can adjust the regulator if it’s the culprit for making your water pressure too high or too low. If you elect to do it yourself, you should have a partner at the spigot to test the pressure as you adjust it.

If you’re unsure about this or any other plumbing procedure, though, contact a professional. It’s better to have the problem fixed once and for all rather than potentially causing something worse. Get in touch with us at Premier Plumbing & Mechanical today.