Foods to Avoid With Your Garbage Disposal

Foods to Avoid With Your Garbage Disposal

A garbage disposal is a great kitchen appliance that can help you reduce your food waste and protect the life of your drains. When used properly, a garbage disposal can last 10-15 years. While a garbage disposal is meant to handle most food wastes, there are still certain foods, greases, and oils that shouldn’t be put into your system. It is helpful to know what foods to avoid to protect against clogged drains or broken disposal blades.

Items to Avoid

Eliminating food waste is a breeze when using garbage disposal properly. It is designed to handle light food waste from a variety of different foods. While many food wastes are safe, there are certain foods that should be completely avoided.

  • Fibrous Foods– You should avoid food items such as banana peels, celery, carrots, and potato peels. Fibrous food tends to cling to surfaces and may eventually lead to clogs from food buildup within your pipes.
  • Starchy Foods– Starches also like to cling. Over time, this can dull the blades of your garbage disposal or cause a build-up within your pipes. You should avoid using your disposal for food such as pasta, rice, and beans.
  • Fats– Fats like to congeal. This is a top cause of serious clogs within your pipe system. Fats include substances such as cooking oil, grease, butter, and other heavy creams.
  • Hard Materials– Hard material can quickly dull and lower the lifespan of your blades. You should avoid bones, seafood shells, and eggshells. These can lead to a collection of granular waste that can clog your drain.  

 Caring for Your Garbage Disposal

Avoiding certain foods and materials can help improve the life of your garbage disposal. If you notice your garbage disposal not operating correctly, or you fear you may have clogs in your system, let us help. Contact us with any questions or concerns about your home’s plumbing systems.